by Pete Cataldo | Health and Fitness
By Pete Cataldo Looking to finally get lean and toned? Here are three underrated tips that you’re probably not doing to get that lean and toned body. +++ Let’s do a little role play (get your mind out of the gutter). Imagine if I was your fairy godfather...
by Pete Cataldo | Health and Fitness
By Pete Cataldo Losing weight comes down to following a specific set of strategies consistently. Here are the most important things for fat loss. +++ Some of the most common questions I get regarding how to successfully lose weight and keep it off for good are...
by Pete Cataldo | Life Skills
By Pete Cataldo Start the new year off right with these 5 tips to build momentum, crush your goals and make this year the best year ever. +++ A new year is a nice place to signal a new start. It’s a fresh new calendar. A new chapter in the book. The chance to wash...
by Pete Cataldo | Life Skills, Lifestyle
By Pete Cataldo Let’s put 2020 behind us and look forward to a New Year. Here’s my annual personal review for the year that was and my goals for 2021. +++ How do you know where to go if you don’t know where you’ve been? It’s a great question to ask...
by Pete Cataldo | Health and Fitness
By Pete Cataldo Here’s how to create self-care for the self employed. Because, if you aren’t performing at a high level, your business won’t either. +++ Let’s talk about the most overlooked part of taking care of a business when you are the chief...