Fat Loss Hacks That Actually Get Results

Fat Loss Hacks That Actually Get Results

By Pete Cataldo  Stop chasing random fat loss easy pills and simple fixes. Instead here are five proven fat loss hacks that actually work. +++ One of the most common questions I get is about the speed of fat loss. “How long will it take to lose X amount of pounds?” Or...
Why You Aren’t Losing Weight

Why You Aren’t Losing Weight

By Pete Cataldo  If you’re not losing weight, yet doing everything right with your diet and workouts, you could be missing one of these three common culprits. +++ “I’m doing everything right, Pete. But I’m just not losing weight.” I cannot begin to tell...
Walking for Weight Loss

Walking for Weight Loss

By Pete Cataldo  Work smarter, not harder to lose weight. Ditch chronic cardio and embrace the easiest form of calorie burn by simply walking for weight loss. +++ One of the first things that I do with all new online coaching clients is convince them about the power...