by Pete Cataldo | Life Skills
By Pete Cataldo Here’s how to find your why and discover deeper meaning behind your goals. Finding your purpose will keep you motivated to see it through. +++ Ever get beyond annoyed at your toddler for asking “Why?” approximately 2 Million times? Yeah, we’ve all...
by Pete Cataldo | Health and Fitness
By Pete Cataldo Stop chasing random fat loss easy pills and simple fixes. Instead here are five proven fat loss hacks that actually work. +++ One of the most common questions I get is about the speed of fat loss. “How long will it take to lose X amount of pounds?” Or...
by Pete Cataldo | Health and Fitness
By Pete Cataldo If you’re not losing weight, yet doing everything right with your diet and workouts, you could be missing one of these three common culprits. +++ “I’m doing everything right, Pete. But I’m just not losing weight.” I cannot begin to tell...
by Pete Cataldo | Health and Fitness
By Pete Cataldo Work smarter, not harder to lose weight. Ditch chronic cardio and embrace the easiest form of calorie burn by simply walking for weight loss. +++ One of the first things that I do with all new online coaching clients is convince them about the power...
by Pete Cataldo | Life Skills, Lifestyle
By Pete Cataldo How do you win the battle when Anxiety takes over? For months I thought it was a struggle I could overcome on my own. Until anxiety and depression got the best of me. +++ On the surface, anxiety is like the distant cousin to depression. They’re in the...