by Pete Cataldo | Life Skills
By Pete Cataldo You’ll be happier, healthier and more productive if you find more time to do something you enjoy every day. Here’s how to make it work. +++ Warning: Nerd Alert is imminent. Final Fantasy IV is the best video game of all time. You can try...
by Pete Cataldo | Life Skills
By Pete Cataldo Set the tone for the day by building momentum and starting strong. Here’s how to win the morning so you can win your day. +++ There’s an old adage in football that goes: “You can’t win the game in the first quarter, but you can definitely lose...
by Pete Cataldo | Life Skills
By Pete Cataldo Making countless decisions each day could be wrecking your fat loss results. Here’s how to avoid decision fatigue and simplify the process. +++ Being a parent is a constant barrage of decision making. Which shoes should your kid wear to school?...
by Pete Cataldo | Health and Fitness
By Pete Cataldo Frustrated that the scale isn’t moving? It’s common, but fixable. Here are 5 ways you are sabotaging weight loss progress and how to fix it. +++ The formula for losing weight is pretty simple. You know the basics by now: Eat in a calorie...
by Pete Cataldo | Health and Fitness
By Pete Cataldo Long-term weight loss success is not as complicated as influencers want you to believe. Unlock the cheat code and learn the real “secret” here. +++ One of my promises in the Lean4Life Academy is that you’ll learn the tools to make your...