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Start by reading some of my most recent newsletter articles on building healthy habits to create the lifestyle you deserve.

This slow morning routine changed my life

By Pete Cataldo  Start your day with intention by creating a slow morning routine: It builds confidence and momentum to your day without the pull to be super productive. +++Wake up. Check the time. Smash the snooze button (you have 5 more minutes to sleep anyway). Do...

Parents need these 7 types of rest to prevent burnout

By Pete Cataldo  How do busy parents find time to rest if we can't get enough sleep? By getting creative with these 7 Types of Rest to prevent burnout. +++Being a parent unlocks a new level of tired that I never thought possible. We’re basically walking zombies. My...

5 Steps to get back on track after you fall off

By Pete Cataldo  After a setback it can be hard to regain momentum with a healthy habit. These five steps will help you get back on track again. +++We’ve all been there. Seeing progress with our fitness when something (usually kids or work) throws us off course....


“Working with Pete, I was finally able to discover how to drop unwanted weight successfully without crazy fad diets, wacky workout videos and calorie calculators.”


Macon, GA

“Working with Pete was not only an eye opening experience but it made getting fit simpler and enjoyable that I am now just watching the weight come off everyday.”


Brooklyn, NY

“Pete was able to point out where I had to make some tweaks and after just two months I not only passed my goal of getting back to my pre-baby weight but the pounds just keep shedding off.”


Columbus, OH