By Pete Cataldo
Have a code for how you’ll engage in everything from business to parenting to relationships. Here are 50 Rules to Live By.
Remember back in grade school when basically the only life rule you needed to know was so important that it was considered “golden?”
“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”
You can practically hear your teacher repeating that over and over again until Timmy in the back of the class would finally get it.
Or until she’d finally give up on Timmy altogether and realize that he’d live his life as “Thomas the gas station attendant” who never achieved anything because he was a bully.
But I digress.
Next to the standard classroom laws of raising your hand before you speak and never cheating on tests, the Golden Rule was like the code of life in grade school.
But, soon after that schooling is over and you’re sent on your way to figure out how to do the adulting thing, there are no longer any teachers to create rules to live by for you. It’s up to you to utilize some of the handed-down knowledge from parents, schooling and your own adventures to develop your own directives.
Which is exactly what I did today.
I don’t pretend to know it all (at least some of the time). But I do know a few things about a few things––namely, how to be pretty decent dude, dad, husband and fitness/nutrition coach in the 21st Century. And in my quest to help you succeed at life, liberty and the pursuit of awesomeness, it’s time to share some of my rules to live by.
It’s my ethos for general living.
These are my Golden Rules. The principles that I’ve developed for myself to avoid being a total dick and to be generally awesome at life. If only Thomas back at that gas station had something like these. Oh well.
They include a few pillars that will set you up with tips on productivity and time management, some business stuff, succeeding in relationships, a little of fitness and nutrition and then I tossed in some regular life stuff.
I highly recommend doing a similar activity for yourself––don’t worry, you don’t have to post it on the internet for all of the world to see. But, feel free to model your rules to live by after mine.
Just keep in mind that these are personalized, and you may have some qualms or additions to make it your own. But, if you stick to most of the guidelines on this list of rules to live by, you’ll probably be ready to crush life like a Jedi Master.
Let’s get into it.
50 Rules to Live By
1. Lift heavy things a few times per week.
Need some guidance? I have you covered with a comprehensive introduction to strength training.
2. Learn to cook a little more.
You’ll save money. You’ll probably be a lot healthier, too. Restaurant meals carry a ton of calories (even more than you think).
3. Shop on the outside walls of the grocery store.
In other words, eat more produce and less pre-produced, sugary, chemically-laden over-hyped commercial crap.
4. Learn to fix a few things around the house.
Yes, you can outsource just about everything. But it never hurts to know a few things in a pinch in case the toilet starts flooding after your toddler needs an emergency trip to the potty and stuffs it with too much toilet paper.
5. Get in the best shape of your life at least once.
Test yourself to see what you can do. Need help getting started? Start with this guide to learning how to lose weight.
6. Have an opinion.
Don’t be so wishy washy on issues that you are apathetic. That’s for losers.
7. Understand that no one cares about your opinion.
In other words: don’t be an asshole.
8. Stop oversharing on social media.
No one cares about that cryptic Facebook post intended for the ex-boyfriend who’ll never see it.
9. Be well-informed.
Know a few things that happen in the world today outside of your social bubble. If the latest reality show gossip or SportsCenter score is all you can talk about, you’ve failed at life. Do better.
10. Avoid TV News.
I used to work in the business. I can tell you unequivocally, it is terrible and full of nothing but bullshit––yes, that includes both the liberal-leaning and the conservative-leaning crap on the airwaves.
11. Read more books. Always be reading.
It’s the best education you can give yourself. Even your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man agrees …
12. If you’re the smartest person in the room, you’re in the wrong room.
Find some better surroundings and educate yourself.
13. Never go to bed angry at your partner or spouse.
Bonus points for make-up sex.
14. Say “I love you” more often.
In fact, just drop it in randomly from time-to-time to let your loved ones know their worth to you.
15. This one is for the fellas:
Don’t be too big of an alpha male to tell your boys that you love them. Toxic masculinity is for losers.
16. Ask more than answer.
Don’t swallow up a conversation with your boring ass life.
17. Don’t give up on chasing goals and living an awesome life.
Watch this speech from Jim Valvano on the regular:
18. Learn to listen.
We spend too much time reacting and trying to steal the show.
19. Learn how to throw a proper punch.
Never hurts to know how to defend yourself (ladies included).
20. Don’t hit someone unless they are a threat to you.
I don’t think I need to explain this one.
21. This …
Perhaps the best commencement speech in the history of commencement speeches:
22. Cleanse your life from the unnecessary bullshit.
That includes high maintenance clutter and high maintenance friends, too.
23. Finish strong.
Stop starting new things and actually finish the things you’ve had on your To Do list for far too long.
24. Take action. Now.
Don’t develop the “Monday mindset” to start the new diet, business, project, etc. Get off your ass and do something now.
25. Get a little better each day.
It can be one more rep, set, step, email, hug or whatever goal you set, just strive to do it a little bit better than you did the day prior.
26. Ask for forgiveness and not permission.
Be bold and confident in your actions and decisions.
27. Understand how much time is worth to you.
Then make no exceptions. Time really is our most limited resource. Don’t ever waste it with things that don’t move you closer to your goals––both professional and personal. Here’s how to create a time audit to determine how much time you have to crush those goals.
28. Find a good mentor.
For every Harry Potter, there is a Dumbledore … for every Frodo, there is a Gandalf … Luke Skywalker had Obi-Wan. Find a mentor or coach and learn as much as you can.
29. We don’t care how busy you are.
We’re all busy. We’re all overworked. Our kids all zap too much of our time. Stop trying to win the “harder worker” award.
30. Don’t worry about the haters.
They are insecure and not worth your time.
31. Find your 1,000 true fans.
This is important for anyone trying to build a brand or a business (read the essay here to understand what I’m talking about). Building up 100,000-plus fans on Instagram is only awesome if they are willing to pay you for being awesome.
32. This …
33. Dick pics are for fucking losers.
Don’t be that guy. And frankly, women hate them. Your junk is ugly … hate to break it to you.
34. Don’t live in debt.
Learn to live within your means and research how to set aside some cashflow for a rainy day and eventual retirement.
35. Truly live the mantra of “bros before hoes.”
Dudes don’t date the former dates of other dudes. If she’s been with your boy, she’s off limits. Don’t break up friendships for that shit. By that same token, if you are still actually using this phrase and calling women “hoes,” go fuck yourself.
36. Tip more than the calculator app says.
Don’t be a cheap bastard.
37. Take more pictures.
Enjoy the moments. But stop taking so many damn selfies. And if you do the damn duck face, don’t ever come back to this website.
38. Always carry some cash.
Comes in handy.
39. Buy a really nice suit or fancy dress.
Have that suit or dress fitted. Now stay that size.
40. Wake up 15 minutes earlier.
Accomplish one of the big items off your list before the day even gets started. Here’s how to make your mornings more productive.
41. Say thank you more often.
Be thankful for the greatness of a life lived and less miserable for what you still want.
42. Find better date ideas.
First dates at the movies are lame … and she knows it.
43. Go 30 days without porn or masturbation.
You know, have real sex for a change.
44. Go sober for a little bit.
Once a year, take a few weeks off from alcohol altogether just to see how life is lived as a sober person.
45. Vote.
Millions of men and women have sacrificed and given their lives for the right to exercise your freedom to vote. Get involved in the democratic process and do your civic duty to be a contributing member. Don’t know the issues? Go back and read Rule No. 9.
46. Try new things.
Make it a point to try something (anything) new at least once a week. A new food. A new route home from work. A new TV show. Shit, just try out a new sex position. Just don’t live life like a boring asshole. Experience things and don’t be so afraid to make it happen.
47. Stop hitting the snooze button.
You’re only delaying more opportunities for success and happiness. Not happy? Not successful? Start taking stock in your actions and figure out how to reverse things (you’ll need to wake up in order to do just that).
48. Share more often.
Don’t be so buttoned up that you’re never cool with talking about feelings and fears and emotions. Be open to being more of an open book from time to time. Your loved ones will appreciate you more for doing so.
49. Pick up the phone and call.
In our text message driven society, we’ve become mental midgets whenever the phone actually rings and we have to (gasp!) talk to a real life human being. Don’t do that. Have some real conversations over the phone with the loved ones every once in a while––anything more than just an emoji text.
50. And finally … THIS:
Let me help you develop your own set of Rules to Live By …
I’m here to help you out.
If you have any questions, reach out. I answer all of my emails at pete [at] petecataldo [.] com … Hit me up with the subject line “Rules to Live By” and I’ll answer any questions you have to make this work for you.
Or you can hit me up anytime on the socialz on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.
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